Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Concert & Class Reunion

Hello friends! Just to update on my tailbone condition: I'm feeling a lot better, although there is still a lot of discomfort. I have to be very careful in the way that I move or to not sit down hard. Once the swelling went down, it started to feel much better. Also the bruising is starting to turn more of a lighter blue now. The dr. said it will take about 6 weeks to heal. Thank you for all your prayers.

Bret & I had a great time at the Casting Crowns Christmas concert last week. Special guests were Michael English, which I am a loooong time fan, Avalon, Denver & the Mile High Orchestra, pureNRG, a new teenage group, & Natalie Grant. We were so lucky to have front row, center stage seats!! What a great view! Here's a few pics from the concert.

Finally, I went to my 20 year *tear* class reunion in TN. this weekend. Wow, I cannot believe it has been 20 years!! I saw so many people there that I haven't seen in 10-20 years. Not everyone showed up, but we had enough to have a great time. My sweet & gracious friend, Jan & her husband Justin, let me crash at their house all weekend. Jan did a wonderful job of planning all this & putting it together. We had 2 nights of fun. Friday night was a girls night at Jan's house. We had lots of food & sat around telling stories & talking about our families & old times. Saturday night was a fun night out on the town with the guys & girls, along with some spouses. And my 2 brothers also joined us. We did a little dancing & a lot of laughing. It was sooo much fun! We have all committed to trying to get together once a year & doing something. It's great getting to catch up with old friends. Here are a few pix. One of Jan & me (I miss her so much), a group pic of all of us & I can't resist sneaking in a pic of my sweet brothers w/me.

Friday, December 12, 2008


I would like to ask for prayers for safety this weekend. I am driving to TN for a class reunion, which wouldn't be such a big deal, but I fell this week & broke my tail bone in 2 places. So, driving has been a little bit of a challenge for me. I've found a way to prop on a pillow to relieve some pressure & I think that I'll be ok.

I'm sure you'll hear all about the reunion when I return, plus I'll tell you about the Casting Crowns Christmas concert that Bret & I went to this week & post a couple pics. It was awesome!! Thanks for your prayers & I hope you have a wonderful weekend doing some shopping or crafting (Kim & Jill) or whatever you choose to do.

Monday, December 1, 2008


........PLEASE, let it be "The Shack" by William Paul Young. This is one of the best books I have ever read. It has changed my life forever. I want to read it again! Go to this link, http://theshackbook.com/aimages/bookmarklongad.jpg, & read the reviewes & previews of it. I promise, you will not be disappointed and you will not be able to put the book down. It made me bawl like a baby, then made me laugh out loud at times, but most importantly made me stop & think about relationships in my life & how I treat people. Oh yes, it has DEFINATELY changed me. And please, call, e-mail or text me & let me know how it affects you. I'd love to know if it has the same affect on you that it did on me. God Bless!