Monday, June 8, 2009

So Much For That

Oh well, so much for my idea of "slowing down for the summer". Today I found out that I'm gonna be running kids EVERYWHERE this summer. Ok, Bret to dance practice a 2-3 times a week, Cody to football practice 3 days a week & working more cuz someone just quit & it's just me there, for now. Hopefully we'll have someone very soon. The bad thing is that both kids practices are during the day, during the time that I'm working, about an hour apart each time; drop off & pick up. UGH!!! Thank God that I have such an awesome job where I can come & go as I neeed to. I've also recruited my cousin, Somer, to help me out. She's not working this summer & she wants to make some extra money. YAY!!!! Thank you Somer-baby!!!! I couldn't POSSIBLY do it without you!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Lola, I have an award for you at my blog. Please stop by to pick it up. Hugs, Marlene